Exploring the Coastal Cliffs
Cedeira-San Andrés de Teixido-Vixía Herbeira-Cabo Ortegal- Faro Ortegal- Cabo de Estaca de Bares.

The town's name comes from the Latin "Cetaria" (whale), attesting to the antiquity of this seafaring village. There is no need to say that the views over the immensity of the ocean are just as spectacular.

San Andrés de Teixido
This is an important place for the Galicians, which they consider they should visit at least once in their life. There are many romerías (religious pilgrimage), the most important one taking place on the 8th September.

Ortegal's Cape
In the top of the Ortegal Cape, there is a small white chapel, the chapel of San Xiao de Trebo (Saint Julian de Trebo), and at the end of the road, there can be seen Os Aguillóns de Cabo Ortegal, spiky rocks against which the sea beats violently.

Estaca de Bares
Reaching into the sea in order to divide the waters of the Atlantic from those of the Bay of Biscay, Estaca de Bares is the northernmost point of the entire Iberian Peninsula.

Vixía Herbeira
This spot is famous for providing unbeatable views over Europe's highest cliffs, which soar to over 600 m. They drop almost vertically to the sea with a gradient of over 80%, and, therefore, caution is recommended to visitors.

A must
Ortegal's Lighthouse
This is a round tower, painted red and white at the top. To its right is the Ortigueira estuary. Heading on from O Limo Point you will find the Vixía Herbeira Observation Point with the highest cliffs in Europe, in the Sierra A Capelada.